When God Does A New Thing

I am reflecting today on a passage in the Bible found in Isaiah 43, verses 18 and 19. God says that He is doing something new and asks whether we perceive it. As I am preparing to preach from this text, I wonder how many times in our life God does something new and we miss it? I find some interesting times in the Bible when it seems that God did a new thing and many missed it.

For example, consider that God did a new thing when He replaced the never-ending sacrifice of bulls and rams and goats and other animals with the greatest sacrifice of all time: the sacrifice of the Lamb of God on the Cross of Calvary. God was doing a new thing: He was providing the payment in full for our sin so that we no longer have to seek to manufacture some righteousness in our own way. He (God) has provided the propitiation for our sins. Have we not perceived it?

Consider the teaching of the Bible about God establishing a new covenant with His people. God was doing a new thing and yet so many seemed to be blind to the fact that God has brought us into right standing with Him simply through faith in the finished work of Christ rather than through attempting to achieve right standing with God through the keeping of the Law. What we could not do in our own strength, God has done for us in His power through Christ Jesus! God has done a new thing; have we not perceived it?

The point I hope to make with the message is that every time God, by His Holy Spirit, convicts a man of sin and converts that man into a follower of Christ, God does something new. The Bible declares that when we are in Christ we are a new creation (a “new thing”). We can no longer go on being the person we once were. God has done a new thing. Do we not perceive it?

~ by brotherfaron on October 19, 2015.

2 Responses to “When God Does A New Thing”

  1. In just this year alone, God has done several new things and took me to places in my life that I’ve had to be willing for the change.

    • Thanks for sharing that, Wanda. I think that we all find times in our life when God takes us places; when He does a new thing and we need to yield our being and our life to Him in order to follow. May God continue to lead you following Him and growing in your faith.

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